Thursday, December 08, 2005

Iowa, part two

Some more pictures from the Iowa trip. This concludes the drive and the first 24 hours in Iowa.

Okay, so it's Black Friday, I've filled up my 512 card by this point, and I'm pressed into trying to find either a card reader or a new card to buy there in Clarion. None of the stores had anything. The Radio Shack guy, when I told him I needed compact flash, looked really confused and said that either I had an old camera or I was a pro. He said they were out of cards and readers, but that if I just needed to dump the card, he'd gladly burn it to a CD for me on his computer. Nice guy, saved me from driving an hour away to a big box retailer on the worst day of the year.

Anyway, pictures:

Allison at an Illinois rest stop. Very cold and very windy.

Carrie tries to help Aaron style his hair, but he's so picky about his bangs being just so that he freaks out and starts combing it himself.

Mmm, Susan fixing some creamed onions. Don't worry, they're better than they sound.

Chris and Carrie checking out the new furniture store in town.


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